Oct 29, 2020 | spirometer
LA104 A Dedicated Spirometer with High Precision Differential/ Pneumotach technology. It Support data communication with PC. Armed with 8.4 inch high resolution 360°anti-glare capacitive touch screen A Dedicated Spirometer with High Precision Differential/ Pneumotach...
Oct 29, 2020 | spirometer
LA303 It is a differential pressure flow/ Pneumotach sensor based Spirometer beneficial for COPD patients or borderline patients. PFT can detect COPD 5-10 years earlier than other methods such as radiology, blood gas analysis and so on. Also useful for Patients with...
Nov 29, 2019 | spirometer
SPIROMIN An Excellent tool for Conducting Lung Function test. AN easy to use/ Hold turbine which can be attached to any PC or Laptop. It also incorporates latest Indian Adult prediction by Dr. S.K. Chhabra. Features : Spiromin is PC based spirometer with Bi...